Streit Licensing Lending (copy 01)

Cannabis Lender Now Lending On Licenses

Cannabis Lender Now Lending On Cannabis Licenses!


We were recently informed by one of our top cannabis lenders that they've opened up a new lending platform. They now have loans lending against just the license!This capital source has been a real estate backed lender for as long as we've been working with them. We've closed several deals across CA with them and now they're monetizing and lending off of the value of cannabis licenses. The deal flow they're looking for right now is limited but this is HUGE news. As you're well aware, the easy money for cannabis brought in from Canada is drying up. And, if you don't own the real estate your company is based out of then your sources for financing are slim.With this new avenue, the license you worked hard to procure can now be monetized and provide you with working capital.If you need capital and have a license that you'd like to monetize then this is the perfect group for you.They're looking for:

  • Loan size

    • $2M Max

      • 50% LTV max leverage

      • Can increase the loan amount if real estate can be crossed

      • Valuation dependent on market

  • Geographics:

    • CA Only

      • Major markets, no tertiary

  • Rate

    • Varies, but no less than 12% & 3 pts

  • Term:

    • 2 year max with notes written to 12 months

With lending off of the license, each market and municipality is treated differently. A license in Santa Monica has different rules and regulations than a license in San Francisco and they will make allotments that take this into consideration. If you have a license that you'd like to monetize then we should chat immediately. Click on the link below and let's get it set up!

P.S. If you're brand new to the EN Capital newsletter; each week we promote a new capital source for a variety of commercial real estate properties. So if the above lender is not relative to you, the chances are high that we'll have the perfect capital source for you soon.P.P.S. If you have a commercial real estate deal, unrelated to the above, that needs capital right now reach out to us and let's chat!

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Be sure to connect with EN Capital on Linkedin. and visit our website here.

Connect with EN Capital President, Nate Whigham on Linkedin Here

Connect with EN Capital Associate, Justin Ashcraft on Linkedin Here

Nathan WhighamPresidentDirect: 310-465-9253[email protected]www.encapitalllc.comCA DRE Broker License: 01793655