Twain (copy 01)

New Fund Providing Solar Project Construction and Term Loans

The Summer's Heating Up...and So Is The Fall...and Winter. Actually, It's All Too Hot...


Most of you probably know this already, but for those that don't EN Capital President Nate Whigham used to be a solar power developer.Nate spent many years working on large solar power projects across the country for the military, hospitals, cities and commercial real estate owners. Solar power is something we here at EN Capital are big fans of, and recent climate spikes only fuel the need for more solar power to offset the effects of climate change.Which is why we're extremely happy to provide you with information on this new renewable energy lending platform. This group is aggressively deploying funds for both constructing new solar projects and providing term loans on existing projects.They've asked us to help spread the word and since we want your grandkids and our grandkids to be able to go outside we're telling everyone about this. Financing programs include: ground lease, construction, monetizing renewable energy tax credits, and long term debt solutions. They're very credit focused and will look hard at the power off-taker.They're lending: 

  • Deal Sizes: $5 - $25M

  • Up to 75% LTV

  • Interest rate: 5.25-5.5% 

  • Term length: 7-25 years

  • Min DSCR: 1.25x

  • Program types:

    • Ground Lease

    • Tax Credit Investing

    • C-PACE

    • Federal Historic Tax Credits

    • State Tax Credits

    • Perm Loans

    • Construction

  • Geographics

    • Nationwide

If you have a deal that fits the above criteria click the button below or shoot us an email and let's get started today! 


 If you're brand new to the EN Capital newsletter; each week we promote a new capital source for a variety of commercial real estate properties. So if the above lender is not relative to you, the chances are high that we'll have the perfect capital source for you soon.


EN Capital is a commercial real estate mortgage brokerage shop. 

We are not direct lenders. Seriously, every time we do a blast some guy responds and gets pissy when he realizes we're brokers. It's on the top of our website, LinkedIn, clear in all our marketing. We honestly don't know how to make it more obvious. Don't be that guy.


 If you have a commercial real estate deal, unrelated to the above, that needs capital right now reach out to us and let's chat!

 EN Capital LinkedIn
EN Capital Website

Be sure to connect with EN Capital on Linkedin. and visit our website here.

Connect with EN Capital President, Nate Whigham on Linkedin Here

Connect with EN Capital Associate, Justin Ashcraft on Linkedin Here

Nathan WhighamPresidentCA DRE Broker License: 01793655EN Capital Contact[email protected]Justin Direct Line: 323-521-4766